Information and Advocacy
Collaborative for Communication Access via Captioning. CCACaptioning is an online advocacy group for "inclusion of real-time text and accurate captioning universally for communication access for all ... Real-time captioning, or CART (communication access real time translation) is immediate verbatim full text. The text is seen by many people at the same time and provides a useful transcript. CART is needed not only by people with different hearing (people with hearing loss or who are deaf or deafened), but also by thousands of others who use it when provided." Captioning of meetings and presentations in addition to captioning of television and video, may also help with auditory processing difficulties, learning style preferences, noisy environments, accents, foreign languages and other issues. It can also enhance literacy learning. Ongoing advocacy projects: telecommunications and internet captioning, education (schools, conferences, trainings), employment, government, healthcare, entertainment, sports, community (clubs, religious, museums, library and related), transportation, and courts, justice.
Captioning and CART. "CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) is verbatim text of spoken presentations provided for live events. Only the text is provided on a computer screen or projected for display on a larger screen. CART may be provided in the classroom, at meetings, workshops and other presentations including live theater — anywhere that someone with a hearing loss needs to hear in a group setting." Information on FCC requirements, television, internet, movies, museums, theater and events. Hearing Loss Association of America:
CART, or Real-Time Captioning, at the NYPL (New York Public Library) by Brigid Cahalan, Library Sites & Services/Outreach. "However this service is funded, it is incumbent on public libraries to provide access whenever possible. The ADA requires it and the moral imperative compels it."
Don’t Leave Me Out (English subtitles) – CCAC Captioning. "This is a film about the vital need for captioning in everyday life. Real people made this video with true-life messages." Don’t Leave Me Out translated versions (many languages). "Please note YouTube itself provides automatic translations into several other languages. Because CCAC uses the English-language transcript for the languages listed below, the quality of these translations is higher than automatic speech-to-text systems." (run time: 3:30; open captions)
Don’t Leave Us Out. "We are talking about a disturbing gap in communication access for millions of people who cannot hear well or are deaf, who speak and most of whom do not use sign language. We are also speaking about captioning needs among millions of others with different language and learning needs. Captioning is a 'language' that is way beyond one line of text under a photo, much more than a few words in a funny cartoon and is not merely a transcript or another page of text, but is an equivalent experience of listening via reading captioning. This is called equal access."
"Facilitated Communication (FC) enables non-verbal people on autism spectrum to communicate by typing", Mike Frandsen, Autism Examiner. "The goal of FC is for people to become independent or nearly independent in typing, with minimal support such as a hand on the shoulder, or for the FC user to develop an ability to speak some of the words as or after he or she types them." (The original article is no longer online, so we linked to the copy at
Facilitated Communication (FC): the controversy is over. FC is a valid communication method for some people with autism by Mike Frandsen, October 10, 2010. “Many of those people who first learned to communicate through FC later learned to type independently. (Some of them learned to speak the words as they type them).”
Resources for Captioning Videos
How to caption your own videos:
YouTube help: Add subtitles and closed captions. Information from Google/Youtube on creating, editing and using captions, uploading a caption file, captioning software, etc.
Vimeo help: Captions and subtitles. Links to information on numerous topics relating to captioning videos on Vimeo.
Captioning Your Own Video for Free: University of Washington site with information on how to use online captioning tools and how to add captioning files to videos hosted on various sites.
Caption It Yourself: Basic Guidelines for Busy Teachers, Families, and Others Who Shoot their Own Video by Bill Stark, Described and Captioned Media Program Communications and Accountability Administrator. Information on captioning to transmit various types of audible information: Narration, Dialogue, Sound Effects, Other Information Includes guidelines, tools, benefits, software, providers.
CaptionMatch – Nonprofit clearinghouse for finding a captioner, supporting CCAC advocacy. Registration and use of this site is free site for consumers. Providers of captioning services pay a subscription fee.
How to caption videos that you do not own:
How to create a supplemental caption file for a YouTube video that you do not own. Step-by-step instructions on a University of Wisconsin Parkside site: