Quality in AAC Supports and Services

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): Evidence-based Principles and Practice — "Kristen Carroll and Bonnie Mintun discuss the basics of choosing and using communication devices and strategies for those who experience speech disability to the extent that they have significant difficulty being understood by others. Series: "MIND Institute Lecture Series on Neurodevelopmental Disorders" [1/2013] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 24537]" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzT2Bq5F2O4

Best Practice in Communication Support, Institute on Communication and Inclusion, Syracuse University. http://soe.syr.edu/media/documents/2012/1/BestPractices2012.pdf

Communicative Competence for Individuals who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A new definition for a New Era of communication? Janice Light & David McNaughton, The Pennsylvania State University. "There remain far too many individuals with complex communication needs who do not receive the effective, culturally competent, evidence-based AAC services that they require to realize communicative competence and achieve their full potential (Baxter, Enderby, Evans, & Judge, 2012; Hodge, 2007). Communicative competence is essential to the enhancement of the quality of life of individuals with complex communication needs; it is fundamental to the attainment of the basic human need, the basic human right, the basic human power of communication." Includes (at end of article) Table 1: Knowledge, judgment, and skills required for individuals who use AAC to attain communicative competence (adapted from Light & Gulens, 2002); Table 2. Psychosocial factors and the potential impact on communicative competence (adapted from Light, 2003); Table 3. Environmental supports that may facilitate the communicative competence of individuals who require AAC (adapted from Light, 2003). https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1411/1411.6568.pdf

Communication Quality Indicators: A Survey of Connecticut Group Home Managers by Evelyn A. DeSimone and Paul W. Cascella (Article in Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 17(1):1-17 - February 2005) (article available upon request at the webpage). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226362972_Communication_Quality_Indicators_A_Survey_of_Connecticut_Group_Home_Managers

Essential Best Practices In Inclusive Schools Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Michael McSheehan, Mary Schuh, Rae M. Sonnenmeier. National Center on Inclusive Education Institute on Disability/UCEDD University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824. Updated July 2012. "When students with disabilities are provided appropriate instruction and supports, they can learn grade-level general education curriculum, communicate in ways that are commensurate with their same-age peers without disabilities, have meaningful social relationships, and graduate from high school—college and career ready." High Expectations and Least Dangerous Assumption – Indicators (page 3.) General Education Class Membership and Full Participation -- Indicators (pages 4-5). Quality Augmentative and Alternative Communication – Indicators (pages 5-6). Curriculum, Instruction, and Supports – Indicators (pages 6-7). Ongoing Assessment and Evaluation of Learning – Indicators (page 8). Family-School Partnerships – Indicators (pages 8-9). Community Partnerships – Indicators (page 9). Team Collaboration – Indicators (pages 9-10). Friendships and Social Relationships – Indicators (page 10). Futures Planning, Graduation, and Transition to Adult Life – Indicators (pages 10-11). Self-Determination – Indicators (pages 11-12). School Improvement – Indicators (pages 12-13). Professional Development – Indicators (page 14). http://www.tash.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Essential-Best-Practices-070312-FULL-Jorgensen.pdf

Now Hear Me: It's My Right to Speak — Report on the implementation of the recommendations of A Right to Speak to support Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) in Scotland. "This report includes details of progress made, shows where and how the funding has been put to use and celebrates these achievements. It also sets out the work still to be done to ensure people in Scotland who need and use AAC can be confident that their needs will be understood and met." 116-page report. http://www.nowhearme.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Final-AAC-Report-24.06.15.pdf

Patient-Provider Communcation: Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered Care: A Roadmap for Hospitals. "To improve the overall safety and quality of care provided in hospitals nationwide, health care organizations should aspire to meet the unique needs of their patients—patient by patient. . . No longer considered to be simply a patient's right, effective communication is now accepted as an essential component of quality care and patient safety." http://www.patientprovidercommunication.org/article_12.htm

Quality Indicators for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Michael McSheehan, Clinical Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Project Coordinator, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire. List of quality indicators to determine whether the provider of AAC evaluation or services is promoting inclusive education. (on-line newsletter issue) http://www.drcnh.org/Rapsummer07text.doc

Quality of Communication Support for People with Severe or Profound Intellectual Disability and Complex Needs. "This paper describes the differences in communication strategies between good and poor services for people with severe or profound intellectual disability and complex needs…Communication partnerships were significantly better in services which are providing skilled support in other areas." Page includes link to handout (slides). http://www.communicationmatters.org.uk/conference-session/2013-quality-of-communication-support

The Development of Quality Indicators for Alternative and Augmentative Communication Final Report, December 2013 Lois Cameron and Sally Boa (Talking Mats Ltd.) Hanna McCulloch (Capability Scotland). The study was commissioned and funded by NHS Education for Scotland. "Talking Mats was awarded funding by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) to conduct research aimed at developing quality indicators in relation to Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) services. The objectives of the project included the achievement of several recommendations made in the Scottish Government's Right to Speak: Supporting Individuals Who Use AAC' Guidance. In particular, the project focused on recommendation 8.2 of the Right to Speak which states that 'local indicators are to be developed by local partnerships and national services'." 37-page report includes discussion of "Ten Quality Indicators have been identified by the AAC users and families who took part in this consultation." http://www.talkingmats.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Quality-Indicators-Final-report.pdf

Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology. "The Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology include the specific quality indicators that were developed by focus groups and validated through research, intent statements that further explain each indicator, and a list of common errors for each of the eight areas. The eight areas are all important to the development and delivery of assistive technology services and include: Consideration of AT Needs, Assessment of AT Needs, AT in the IEP, AT Implementation, Evaluation of Effectiveness of AT, AT in Transition, Administrative Support for AT, and AT Professional Development." http://www.qiat.org/indicators.html

In Support of Single Subject Research for Evidence Based Practice and AAC Research, Ben Satterfield and Annalee Anderson. "In the field of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT), there is a pressing need for additional research which is of sufficient rigor and clarity that professionals can draw upon the literature with greater confidence (Edyburn & Gersten, 2007). One hopeful by-product of EBP is that, one day, groups of studies will become the foundation for meta-analysis and ultimately lead to a larger body of research on which to base professional decision-making." https://www.prentrom.com/images/ssrd-rubrics-101011.pdf