Facilitated Communication and Facilitated Communication Training

Syracuse University, Institute on Communication and Inclusion website. Information on supported typing / facilitated communication training (getting started, examples of support, AAC devices, media reports and films, history) writings by people who communicate using supported typing and independent typing. http://soe.syr.edu/centers_institutes/institute_communication_inclusion/default.aspx

Best Practice in Communication Support, adapted from the ICI Training Standards by C. Kasa (2008). “At all times, please remember to utilize and promote the standards of best practice in communication support and encourage others to do the same. In particular, support for looking at the keyboard and fading physical support needs to happen all the time in order to foster the person being in control of his or her communication.” http://soe.syr.edu/media/documents/2012/1/BestPractices2012.pdf.

Facilitated Communication Training Materials. “The training materials provided here are not intended as a replacement for live training. Anyone interested in learning supported typing or how to become a facilitator needs training that includes both fundamentals of facilitation and hands-on practice opportunities.” Training Standards, Portfolio Assessment Guide, FC Training Videos, Best Practices in Facilitated Communication, Facilitated Communication Training by Rosemary Crossley, Practicing Message-Practicing Skills. http://soe.syr.edu/centers_institutes/institute_communication_inclusion/about/training_materials.aspx

Facilitated Communication, CNN Presents web page at CNN.com: "... a small number of peer-reviewed articles did publish confirming evidence that validates some individuals' use of FC. Some experts believe that FC can be effective in certain specific circumstances. A subject's personality, disorder, motor skills, emotional commitment and work ethic are all critical factors influencing the possible effectiveness of FC. It is also heavily affected by the skills and training of the facilitator. Though Sue Rubin learned to type by having a facilitator support her hand and arm, she has now been typing independently for years." CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta examines the controversy over facilitated communication (video); link to summary of some relevant studies. http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/presents/shows/autism.world/fc/index.html

Facilitated Communication (FC) enables non-verbal people on autism spectrum to communicate by typing, Mike Frandsen, Autism Examiner. "The goal of FC is for people to become independent or nearly independent in typing, with minimal support such as a hand on the shoulder, or for the FC user to develop an ability to speak some of the words as or after he or she types them." http://www.examiner.com/dc-in-national/facilitated-communication-fc-enables-non-verbal-people-on-autism-spectrum-to-communicate-by-typing

Autism National Committee (AutCom) Policy and Principles regarding Facilitated Communication. "Facilitated communication is one accepted and valid way in which individuals with autism can exercise their right to say what they have to say." Principles address communication rights, 'least dangerous assumption', literacy training, facilitator training, training standards, total communication approach, minimizing facilitator influence, message passing, independent pointing, research, funding, and communication access. http://www.autcom.org/articles/PPFC.pdf

Facilitated Communication Training Standards. These standards provide information and guidance on developing expertise in various aspects of the method and on tracking one's development as a facilitator or as an FC user. http://soe.syr.edu/centers_institutes/institute_communication_inclusion/about/training_standards.aspx

A Brief Guide to FCT: Developing a Facilitated Communication Training (FCT) Programme by Marion Stanton and Penny Jacobsen, Communication and Learning Enterprises (CanDLE) http://www.contactcandle.co.uk/a_brief_guide_to_fct.htm

Facilitated Communication Training, Anne McDonald Centre (formerly the DEAL Communication Centre), Victoria, Australia. What is facilitated communication, facilitated communication training; who can be helped; what benefits does it offer; facilitation is controversial; facilitation is a last resort. http://www.annemcdonaldcentre.org.au/facilitated-communication-training

Facilitated Communication Training – The Book. Free download of this ground-breaking out-of-print book by Rosemary Crossley. Thirteen chapters on assessment, technique, structuring success, literacy, communication partners, physical support, reducing support, word-finding problems, validation, allegations, case studies, and appendices. http://www.annemcdonaldcentre.org.au/facilitated-communication-training-book

Learning to be a Facilitator, Martha Leary, Toronto, Canada http://soe.syr.edu/media/documents/2010/7/learning_to_be_a_facilitatorleary.pdf

Understanding and Negotiating Cue-Seeking by Facilitated Communication Users by Mayer Shevin “This paper is an attempt to describe the ways in which a facilitator can support the facilitated communication user in understanding his or her cue-seeking strategies, in mastering those strategies which are effective, socially acceptable, and which contribute to the empowerment of the facilitated communication user, and in recognizing and avoiding those strategies which are not.” http://soe.syr.edu/media/documents/2010/7/understanding_and_negotiating_cueseekingshevin.pdf

Slides from a presentation by Judy Bailey at the conference in Ellensburg in 2007.

Judy Bailey's Thoughts on Facilitated Communication Training

Authorship and Controversy

Authorship and Controversy – "Virtually from the beginning, facilitated communication has been controversial, for it was shown that a facilitator's physical touch or support of the typist's hand or arm could negatively influence the person’s pointing, even to the point of controlling the output ... But the story of facilitation and research was just beginning. A number of studies, using multiple methodologies, have now successfully demonstrated authorship; these studies have demonstrated that it is the communication aid user who is conveying the message, not the person providing the support." Information on methodology of studies that support authorship; links to detailed listings of studies that support and studies that do not support authorship. http://soe.syr.edu/centers_institutes/institute_communication_inclusion/Research/authorship_and_controversy.aspx

The Maturing of Facilitated Communication: A Means Toward Independent Communication by Donald N. Cardinal and Mary A. Falvey. Article in Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 39(3):189-194, January 2015. Abstract: Facilitated communication (FC) can be a successful means for people to learn to communicate effectively and independently. The preponderance of peer-reviewed articles supports FC as a useful tool for developing communication skills. While there has been a chasm of difference in qualitative versus quantitative studies on FC, researchers have produced a body of current literature confirming the method. Many people with significant intellectual disabilities, through the use of FC, have been able to demonstrate their ability to successfully communicate. We, as a profession, now need to respond with collaborative scholarship. In addition, revised position statements must be developed reflecting the past research findings and encouraging future research. http://rps.sagepub.com/content/39/3/189.full.pdf

TASH Resolution on the Right to Communicate – Cover Letter with link to the Resolution (2016) "Facilitated Communication has always been subject to controversy which continues today. However, there are many members of TASH who have benefited from this method and their communication must be fully considered. We trust that all TASH members are united in a belief that the role of TASH is to support its members and to be in alliance with all people with disabilities who face oppression, marginalization, and doubt. A grounding principle of TASH is the presumption of competence and self-determination, which necessitates a willingness to consider all possibilities and provide the widest range of options for communication for all people." http://tash.org/resolution-right-communicate-cover-letter/